55 research outputs found

    Placement driven retiming with a coupled edge timing model

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    Retiming is a widely investigated technique for performance optimization. It performs powerful modifications on a circuit netlist. However, often it is not clear, whether the predicted performance improvement will still be valid after placement has been performed. This paper presents a new retiming algorithm using a highly accurate timing model taking into account the effect of retiming on capacitive loads of single wires as well as fanout systems. We propose the integration of retiming into a timing-driven standard cell placement environment based on simulated annealing. Retiming is used as an optimization technique throughout the whole placement process. The experimental results show the benefit of the proposed approach. In comparison with the conventional design flow based on standard FEAS our approach achieved an improvement in cycle time of up to 34% and 17% on the average

    Tight coupling of timing driven placement and retiming

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    Retiming is a widely investigated technique for performance optimization. In general, it performs extensive modifications on a circuit netlist, leaving it unclear, whether the achieved performance improvement will still be valid after placement has been performed. This paper presents an approach for integrating retiming into a timing-driven placement environment. The experimental results show the benefit of the proposed approach on circuit performance in comparison with design flows using retiming only as a pre- or postplacement optimization method

    Cell replication and redundancy elimination during placement for cycle time optimization

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    This paper presents a new timing driven approach for cell replication tailored to the practical needs of standard cell layout design. Cell replication methods have been studied extensively in the context of generic partitioning problems. However, until now it has remained unclear what practical benefit can be obtained from this concept in a realistic environment for timing driven layout synthesis. Therefore, this paper presents a timing driven cell replication procedure, demonstrates its incorporation into a standard cell placement and routing tool and examines its benefit on the final circuit performance in comparison with conventional gate or transistor sizing techniques. Furthermore, we demonstrate that cell replication can deteriorate the stuck-at fault testability of circuits and show that stuck-at redundancy elimination must be integrated into the placement procedure. Experimental results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed methodology and suggest that cell replication should be an integral part of the physical design flow complementing traditional gate sizing techniques

    Cycle time optimization by timing driven placement with simultaneous netlist transformations

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    We present new concepts to integrate logic synthesis and physical design. Our methodology uses general Boolean transformations as known from technology-independent synthesis, and a recursive bi-partitioning placement algorithm. In each partitioning step, the precision of the layout data increases. This allows effective guidance of the logic synthesis operations for cycle time optimization. An additional advantage of our approach is that no complicated layout corrections are needed when the netlist is changed

    Magnon-drag thermopile

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    arXiv:1203.5628v1Thermoelectric effects in spintronics are gathering increasing attention as a means of managing heat in nanoscale structures and of controlling spin information by using heat flow. Thermal magnons (spin-wave quanta) are expected to play a major role; however, little is known about the underlying physical mechanisms involved. The reason is the lack of information about magnon interactions and of reliable methods to obtain it, in particular for electrical conductors because of the intricate influence of electrons. Here, we demonstrate a conceptually new device that enables us to gather information on magnon–electron scattering and magnon-drag effects. The device resembles a thermopile formed by a large number of pairs of ferromagnetic wires placed between a hot and a cold source and connected thermally in parallel and electrically in series. By controlling the relative orientation of the magnetization in pairs of wires, the magnon drag can be studied independently of the electron and phonon-drag thermoelectric effects. Measurements as a function of temperature reveal the effect on magnon drag following a variation of magnon and phonon populations. This information is crucial to understand the physics of electron–magnon interactions, magnon dynamics and thermal spin transport.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, MICINN (MAT2010-18065) and by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement NANOFUNCTION no 257375.Peer Reviewe

    Perfect alignment and preferential orientation of nitrogen-vacancy centers during CVD growth of diamond on (111) surfaces

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    Synthetic diamond production is key to the development of quantum metrology and quantum information applications of diamond. The major quantum sensor and qubit candidate in diamond is the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color center. This lattice defect comes in four different crystallographic orientations leading to an intrinsic inhomogeneity among NV centers that is undesirable in some applications. Here, we report a microwave plasma-assisted chemical vapor decomposition (MPCVD) diamond growth technique on (111)-oriented substrates that yields perfect alignment (94±294\pm2%) of as-grown NV centers along a single crystallographic direction. In addition, clear evidence is found that the majority (74±474\pm4%) of the aligned NV centers were formed by the nitrogen being first included in the (111) growth surface and then followed by the formation of a neighboring vacancy on top. The achieved homogeneity of the grown NV centers will tremendously benefit quantum information and metrology applications.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, changes to previous version: added acknowledgemen

    Enhanced spin signal in nonlocal devices based on a ferromagnetic CoFeAl alloy

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    The Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License to their work.We systematically study the nonlocal spin signal in lateral spin valves based on CoFeAl injectors and detectors and compare the results with identically fabricated devices based on CoFe. The devices are fabricated by electron beam evaporation at room temperature. We observe a > 10-fold enhancement of the spin signal in the CoFeAl devices. We explain this increase as due to the formation of a highly spin-polarized Co2FeAl Heusler compound with large resistivity. These results suggest that Heusler compounds are promising candidates as spin polarized electrodes in lateral spin devices for future spintronic applications.We acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, MICINN (MAT2010-18065, FIS2009-06671-E, and GICSERV program “Access to ICTS integrated nano- and microelectronics cleanroom”). J.V.d.V. acknowledges the support from FWO-VL.Peer Reviewe
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